Founded in 1746, Princeton is the fourth-oldest college in the US and is ranked first in the US. The word ‘campus’ was first coined during the 1770’s for Princeton. Campus was used to describe the University’s original Nassau Hall, one of America’s oldest institutions, and its surrounding landscape.
Since then the campus has continued to grow, resulting in an eclectic mix of architecture and natural spaces, spread over more than 600 acres.
Today, the University and the campus are expanding rapidly. The University realised that the welcome and the ability to navigate the enlarged areas was more difficult than it should be.
The University required a rethink of how its audience experienced the campus, and a replan of its entire wayfinding system in order to make it more integrated, accessible and welcoming.
Applied developed a wayfinding masterplan that contained six pillars. These are now largely implemented and the campus is easier to navigate than ever before. Developments include a unique digital interactive wayfinding app. This was designed to ideally complement the physical wayfinding system.
8,500 student population
27 new building projects
First use of the term 'campus'