Waltham Forest: Mini-Holland

Getting more people to walk and cycle locally

Mini-Holland is an initiative by Transport for London to implement schemes that improve the public realm and promote cycling for local journeys in the outer London boroughs. 

Waltham Forest was one of the three London boroughs chosen to be part of the Mini-Holland initiative, and the council selected Applied to help get more people cycling in their local neighbourhoods.

Applied developed the Wayfinding Masterplan that set out a vision of how local journeys in Waltham Forest could be better supported for cyclists. Essential to this aim was finding a wayfinding solution that worked seamlessly with both TfL and the borough’s existing signage infrastructure, including the Quietway and Cycle superhighway networks, Legible London, and other local and London-wide walking and cycling networks.

Waltham Forest Council
London, UK

13% increase in walking

18% increase in cycling

50% of cyclists avoid routes with high levels of traffic

Cyclists had a ‘better-than-nothing’ approach to navigation. They would use whatever they could find, often nothing was there. What was there was unconnected and incoherent. This meant that cyclists invariably aligned with car-dominated routes on the street network.

Cycle systems

Aligned with Waltham Forest’s 2020 Vision for Cycling, the project was focused on cycle wayfinding, with an aim to normalise cycling as a mode of travel, in particular for shorter journeys.

Developing a standard

Based on the principles established for the cycle route network, the wayfinding system promoted the connection of ‘village’ centres & key destinations to give people the confidence to cycle more often. The family of wayfinding info points was designed to be immediately recognisable, with its visual identity applied consistently on mapping, signage and digital kiosks across the borough.

Proven impact

An official study into the Mini-Holland schemes showed early impact on active travel behaviour, providing a local boost to walking and cycling.

Making use of existing infrastructure

Street name plates with integrated information for cyclists & pedestrians were installed as part of Mini-Holland urban realm improvements.

Cyclists field of vision

The majority of existing wayfinding systems are designed for pedestrians and vehicle users. Applied focused on a cyclist's field of vision to determine where information should be placed to help a journey on a bike.

Coordinated approach

Integrated mapping information across every media.

Richer information

A digital screen and mapping system provides in-depth information about destinations and routing.

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