Dublin Bus

Improving transportation in Ireland's capital city

Buses are the most used mode of public transport in and around Dublin. Applied worked with Dublin Bus to make bus transport information more accessible and user-friendly by creating coordinated network mapping.

Leveraging in-depth knowledge of the city and its transport system, Applied delivered a comprehensive solution that clarified route information and improved the experience of travelling around Dublin for work or leisure.

Dublin Bus
Dublin, Ireland

146 million customers in 2023

136 bus routes

Improving access and encouraging the visitor economy

The bus network is the premier public transport mode in Dublin.

Operator Dublin Bus commissioned Applied and a Dublin consultancy to develop clearer route information, with the aim of improving access and encouraging the visitor economy.

Creating a city centre ‘terminus’

Bus stops and destinations were confusing and obscured by the weight of traffic.

To alter perceptions, Applied developed network diagrams showing a city centre ‘terminus’ area, divided into six zones.

Each bus stop was centrally mapped within the six zones, providing detailed route diagrams and timetables, making the system more intuitive and accessible.

Integration of information

The new network diagram was seamlessly integrated across media, including online platforms, printed materials, and phone services. This cohesive system enables Dublin Bus to maintain accurate and up-to-date passenger information, providing a streamlined experience for both locals and visitors.

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