Applied was formed in 2003 with the core approach that the needs of people are at the heart of how we tackle any project. And since then, we have naturally incorporated social and environmental value into the work that we do. In essence, our world is walking, cycling and public transport – which is environmentally friendly, healthy and community-building by design.
The B Corp movement has been growing in recent years, accelerating a global cultural shift. Applied are endeavouring to be a part of it, after recently submitting for B Corp Certification. This certification is established as an international standard for sustainability accreditation due to its high standards and strict process.
Why is B Corp important to us? In simple terms, it is the right thing to do. We care about the planet and how we treat people. This isn’t new – Applied has always been a business which balances purpose and profit. B Corp certification validates these embedded efforts, providing a recognised mark of excellence.
It makes us a part of a network of like-minded companies, as well as being able to give our clients confidence that they know what we stand for and will help them to deliver their goals. The business world of the future is a place whereby companies can be a stronger force for good.
And for Applied, that means striving to create solutions that meet the needs of as many people as possible. We work hard to understand the perspective of everybody in society. From enhancing people’s health and wellness through supporting walking and cycling journeys, to promoting social inclusion through accessible information and spaces… Our projects contribute to positive social, economic and environmental outcomes.
The Legible London system resulted in a 5% measurable increase in walking.
Applied’s Legible London is a brilliant example of a project that has had, and continues to have, a positive impact. A renowned scheme that has had a huge impact on city wayfinding around the world.
Another example is Applied’s wayfinding system for Princeton University, which has helped to make the prestigious 600-acre campus more integrated, accessible and welcoming. With two key aspects – the physical wayfinding system and the unique digital app – working together in harmony to deliver detailed and accurate accessible routing and information.
A crucial part of achieving this was through engaging with those on the Princeton campus during the development stage. The Applied team conducted numerous moderated usability tests with students, staff and visitors on site, in order to evolve and improve the product.
Our dedicated team has been working hard on this journey to achieve B Corp accreditation, and this lengthy process has sparked a number of connections. We’ve realised how the core purpose of Applied as a company is so naturally well-suited to becoming B Corp certified. To meet such high standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. It has also provided the framework to measure and document our existing impact, pushing us to put better processes in place. Fundamentally, it has enabled us to truly consider how we do things at Applied. And, where we can, improve on these. As well as helping us to identify where we can do even better in the future…
… So watch this space!